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Best Warrior Enchants by Slot – Cataclysm.
Best comp with warrior in cataclysm
Arkansas Guardsman Trains for “Best.
Cataclysm 2012
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Best Cataclysm Warrior DPS Build | WoW.1) Heroic Strike, Colossus, Berserker Rage, Raging Blow (enraged), Bloodthirst, Slam  It's a competition determined to find the best of the best in the Army. For the first time, an Arkansas Guardsman will be competing at the highest level, hoping to Fury. Head – Arcanum of the Dragonmaw – +60 Strength, +35 Mastery; Back – Enchant Cloak – Critical Strike – +50 Crit; Shoulder – Greater Inscription of
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Best comp with warrior in cataclysm